Clean House & Few other things I do

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Sunday After Thanksgiving 2007

It really was a special day. I was able to visit with my grand-daughter as we went to church together. Pastor Richard spoke, finishing up his teaching on Galatians. All through the lessons I have found so much truth that applied to my life, right now. He has a way of inspiring me to follow the Spirit and I thank God for bringing him to pastor our church.
Here are the notes I took while he was teaching.
Sunday Nov.25,2007 Disclaimer : These are not exact quotes of my Pastors teaching. These are my notes and I paraphrased what he said to make it make sense to me.
When people ask him what religion he is he has a very good answer. He does not have a religion, he has a relationship with Jesus.
Gal. 6:1-18 He reads it all so we can be sure to have this in context.
vs.11 Goes back to a theme we found in the earlier part of the book. This is them, and this is us.
A new thought about Paul's reference to writing large . He could of meant that he was using large letters such as A B C , however he also could of meant this, " See I really care about you, look what a large letter I am taking the time to write to you to help you understand ." That sounds like Paul to me. One thing I have constantly asked the Lord, Please teach me how to speak the truth in love. Paul had this in his life. He loved these people. He was not trying to see how many churches he could claim he had evangelized and set them on the right road to heaven. He loved these people.
Paul was really concerned that these other guys, the Judiaizers were compelling these Galatians to sow to the flesh. It wasn't like , oh no, now you are going to have problems and people are going to wonder about me and what kind of church I started here. No, he cared about them and just wanted to set them straight. He did not want them to reap corruption, which is what will happen if you sow to the flesh.
These guys were Messianic Jews and even though they were telling the Galatians to follow the law, they themselves were not following the law. Jesus said the most important law was to love God and to love your neighbor as yourself.
Paul is letting the love of Christ pour through him.


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